Roof & Gutter De-icing
Buildings are susceptible to damage caused by water freezing. Primarily, this involves structural damage due to the weight of ice and snow building up on the roof. Water damage occurs when rooftop snow and ice melts then re-freezes under shingles. Occasionally, structural damage occurs when gutters collapse under the weight of accumulated ice buildup. Chromalox CPR and Thermwire Melt heating cables are designed to prevent ice buildup in gutters and downspouts.
- CPR Heating Cable
- Thermwire Melt Heating Cable
- Snow Sensors
- Snow Controller
- RG-Series Connection Accessories

Use of Heat Trace in the Application:
- Please note that National Electric Code requires ground fault protection (GFEP) for all heat tracing.
Important Design Notes/Best Practices:
Consider the following when choosing a roof and gutter de-icing system:
- Available line voltage
- Type of roof (sloped or flat). Slope of Roof if sloped.
- Standing seam or Non-Standing Seam Roof
- Number of Downspouts and Lengths
- Width of gutters
A ground fault protection device is required by NEC to minimize the danger of fire if the heating cable is damaged or improperly installed. A minimum trip level of 30mA is recommended to minimize nuisance tripping.