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Commercial Pipe Heating – Freeze Protection and Hot Water Maintenance

FREEZE PROTECTION – In cold locations, thermal insulation alone cannot keep pipes from freezing.  A pipe freeze protection system can prevent freezing of fluids in pipes.

System Parts can include:

HOT WATER MAINTENANCE – Provides commercial buildings with immediate hot water availability without expensive recirculation systems

System Parts include:

Use of Heat Trace in the Application:

FREEZE PROTECTION – Chromalox CPR cable is ideal for keeping metal and plastic pipes warm in commercial buildings.  CPR is constructed on a self-regulating polymer core that varies its output along its entire length, saving energy and eliminating hot spots along the pipe.  It can be easily cut to length, spliced, tee to more easily follow piping networks. 

HOT WATER MAINTENANCE – The HWM hot water temperature maintenance system utilizes self-regulating heat trace technology. The system, consisting of the self-regulating cable, connection kits and specialized electronic controls, provides commercial buildings with immediate hot water availability without expensive recirculation systems. It provides a simple, yet energy efficient approach by providing heat at the point where heat loss occurs. Due to the parallel construction of the self-regulating cable, it can be cut to any length, spliced, tee-branched and terminated on site. With this product, energy savings may be derived from multiple sources, such as lower supply line heat loss, eliminated return line heat loss, no pump operating costs and no supply water overheating costs.

Important Design Notes/Best Practices:

A ground fault protection device is required by NEC to minimize the danger of fire if the heating cable is damaged or improperly installed. A minimum trip level of 30mA is recommended to minimize nuisance tripping.

Calculate heat loss based on:

Calculate number of circuits based on:

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